Take a once-in-a-lifetime trip to one of our StreetSmart Wheels partners and expose your team to the complex and competitive reality of the streets. Connect with street-connected youngsters and experience how leadership can drive real change. Gain new insights into your leadership style and personal identity. Our experienced facilitators make sure your inspirational street experience is translated to your unique professional context using team challenges, reflections, intervision and personal coaching.
Take a trip to one of our StreetSmart Wheels partners and expose your team to the complex and competitive reality of the streets. Connect with street-connected youngsters and develop brand new educational activities adapted to their local context. Gain new insights into your leadership style and personal identity. Our experienced facilitators guide and support you throughout the experience and bring you to self-reflection. After the emotions and experience have settled, we translate the inspirational experience to your professional reality and build your personal action plan.